Tag Archives: self control

Ex.ploh.zee.on #1

Shut the front door you stupid son of a motherless goat!

Said no one ever…except me…because I’m fucking awesome.

This blog is about absolutely nothing, other than the bull shit that is grey matter floating amongst my cerebrum.


Yea..if you don’t understand that you should NOT be reading this still..

Seriously, why are you still reading.


Okay, fine ….obviously you have NO self control.

That’s okay – neither do I. Ever.

I like to get WASTED…for no reason. I like to think about other people naked..because thinking about yourself naked gets weird…really weird.

I like to cook shit that I know won’t taste good…I always fail though, and it turns out fucking fantastic.

Water is tasty.

Why are some girls whores and others prudes?

Guys are awesome..I like guys. Guys make sense sometimes. They are so NOT complicated..and they don’t have bleeding vaginas.

Why does it bother some guys to fuck a girl on her period? It’s just schmagma..you weirdos – plus it feels FUCKING good to us, you selfish asses!

Asses. Some guys are ass guys..some guys are tit guys..some guys are just guys and like whatever the fuck they get.

I think my mouse is dying…the one for my computer..I don’t have a pet mouse, THAT would be freaking weird. Ew.

I’d put it on people though, if I did have one.

I wish I had a trampoline right now…and a camera-contact that I could just blink 4 times fast and it’d take the exact picture of what I’m looking at. Someone invent that and give me one, since it WAS my idea.

Why do people make fun of Jewish people?

Why is the word Jew funny?

I’m not descriminating, I like everyone.

I think I should have been a hippie.

I wonder how many of you stilll reading this think I’m fucked up outa my dome.

Sad day. I’m not. All I’ve had is a Diurex and a 5hr energy.



Who says that anymore?

I love you all.
